
Ayva | 6-months-old

Oh, sweet Ayva! I remember the night you were born like it was yesterday. I was frantic – trying to make it in time – in a lovely Wisconsin snow storm! I made it, but barely…two pushes was all it took your mama and you were here! And now….you’ve already passed the 6-month mark. Boy, how time flies!

The good news is that it just keeps getting more fun! Your laughter, the way your eyes move as you are intrigued by your big brother’s next move, the love and kisses you give your mama and your sister, that tongue…oh how I love that tongue of yours as it flies out when you’re the happiest! And your eyes…and your impressive locks of hair – I could go on and on! You’re perfect, baby girl!

This world is a crazy place. As you get older, stay true to yourself. Don’t stop smiling. Whatever comes your way, a smile will not only make you feel better…but it has the ability to make others feel better too!

I’m so excited to continue watching you grow! Happy 6-months, Miss Ayva!!!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide