The joy I get from photographing baby girls is absolutely unmatched! From the gorgeous colors I can use, to their adorable tiebacks, and most importantly – the way their parents cuddle them so gently and lovingly – I can’t get enough!!!
So, you can imagine my excitement when Cassaundra emailed me saying I would not only have the opportunity to capture their second baby girl in the hospital- but would also get to take photos of her in the studio! Imagine me doing the happy dance times 100;)
As I went through the imagery of this session, I got even more excited to share it with the proud parents of baby girl #2! These two were made to be parents of baby girls:). The way they snuggle them so gently, giving them all the love in their hearts, and the way their smiles spread from ear-to-ear just watching the little facial expressions come out of their little Kinsley – it seriously couldn’t make me happier!
Thank you, Swanson family – for not only asking me to capture your sweet new family of four – but for also allowing me to share in your joy! I hope these images bring you so much happiness in the years to come. Your girls will grow fast – we all know how that goes…at least now you’ll have the imagery to remember just how small they once were! Congratulations!!!