
Nelly & Jake | 2018 Engagement

They’re engaged!!!

Even though this session was the first time I had ever met Jake, I knew from the minute they walked into the door together that he was a perfect match for Nelly!

Let me take you back in time for a second. Nelly was a senior, I was a junior. I remember loading up cars to head to Madison for a weekend of girls’ state basketball. I could’ve literally jumped for joy when I found out I got to ride in her car. Nelly was always a good time. The girl smiled non-stop, always played the best music, and she was one to make sure everyone felt included.

The years have passed quickly since then, but every time I’ve run into her, I’ve gotten the same treatment. She’s always gone out of her way to say hi. She’s driven my drunk booty home a time or two – always sure to put others before herself. She has continued to be the life of the party and the smile everyone looks forward to seeing.

Even though it may put me into creeper-stalker status, I have to say that watching her relationship unfold via Facebook – and seeing the pure joy she has in every photo taken with Jake, has made me and many other’s incredibly happy. This girl deserves the absolute world!

A few weeks ago I got a message from Kristy. Nelly had asked her to just snap a few photos of them for some save the dates. Kristy wanted more for her, so she asked if I’d be willing to stop by and surprise her! Of course, I said yes!!!

When Nelly arrived, you could see the shock and excitement. This girl is so freaking loved!!! Her hair and beautiful makeup was perfected by the best in the industry, her friend Emma Ross. Her bestie for life and personal assistant for the day, Kristy Theunis, sported a variety of scarves, carried camera equipment and brought beer for the engagement photo excitement. And, lucky for me, I got to tag along with my camera in had, capturing some of my all time favorite photos of this spectacular duo!

Nelly and Jake – know that you are so incredibly loved! We all wish you the absolute best — a lifetime of joy and happiness! Congratulations on your engagement!


and for fun, I had to include these! Those of you who know these two know how much fun they have in life — and nothing is better than having a little fun!


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