
Grant | 1-year-old

It’s the last day of the year, and nothing in the world could make me happier than posting these photos as this year’s finale!

This adorable baby boy brought in 2018 a bit earlier than expected. I got to visit him in the NICU, just a tiny little man hooked up to tons of tubes. I watched as his mama worked her butt off to pump, deliver the milk and feed her baby. It was a scary and exhausting time for his mama.

Eventually that teeny tiny baby got to come home. And he grew and grew and grew! Each and every time I saw him, for each milestone session, I was shocked and amazed at the improvements he made. By looking at his growth charts you’d never know he started life as a preemie!

Now, he’s entering the toddler world! This past year flew by faster than anyone imagined!

Tammy – I’ve loved every second of watching you as a mom — you were made for this. I know those first couple months were scary and exhausting and the hardest days of your life, but you never faultered. You’ve been an incredible example for others to follow.

For those of you preparing to make your New Years resolutions tonight – use this little man as your inspiration. A lot can happen in ONE year! Don’t sell yourself short. Make sure your goals align with 365 days…those days…the year 2019…could change your life!

Happy 1st Birthday, Grant!

And Happy New Year to each of you reading this blog! May 2019 be your best year yet!!!


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Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide