
Amara Kate | 15-days-old

This adorable baby girl came into this world on December 28th – and she has been an incredible addition to the Fairchild family already! She sleeps like an angel for her mommy and daddy, and her big brother and sister absolutely adore her.

There’s something to say about growing your family. Each step you take, surprises you with more resilience and love. When you move from no children to one, you face all the unknowns. How do I feed a baby, bathe a baby, burp a baby, change a diaper the right way, etc. By the time you bring baby number two into the picture, you’re a pro. You’ve figured out that there’s no use in sweating the small stuff. The dishes and laundry can wait, because you now have two babies who seem to always want to be in your arms and on your lap at exactly the same time. Then challenge number three comes into play, and you enter an entirely new ball game. You don’t have three arms, so you have to choose. The rotations begin, and as painful as it is for you to no longer be able to hold them all at the same exact time, it’s equally painful for your children to learn their place and gain more independence. But keep in mind that it is so, so good for them! The calmness and love I’ve seen in bigger families is incredible – and this trio of kiddos is no different. They posed perfectly for their photos, they loved on their sweet baby sister with so much tenderness and care – its obvious Amara is the perfect addition. They are all so lucky to officially be a family of five! 

And this mama….oh Ashley, these babies love you so much! It’s incredible to think about our younger years – all the fun we had….transitioned to this – more love than we could’ve ever imagined. Life is simply better now:) Showers may not be an every day occurence like they used to be, but when you’re surrounded by these cuties, who cares?! 😉  

Amara Kate, you are one lucky girl! Welcome to this crazy, beautiful world!

andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide