
Kennedy | 1-year-old

In the blink of an eye, time has flown by — this mama’s baby is not a baby anymore.

She is walking on her own, using her hands to sign, and gaining just a tad more independence each and every day.

Isn’t it true that no one could have prepared you for motherhood? 

As mommies, we remember our babies birth days as though they just happened yesterday. As we think back to those moments leading up to their births, we can actually feel ourselves in those moments again. The energy, the excitement, the anticipation – all of it comes back so suddenly. The days we brought those babies into this world, are days that will remain our favorites forever and ever.

No one could have prepared us for motherhood, and no one could have prepared us or helped us understand the speed at which our babies have grown/will grow.

Document everything.

I don’t care if you can’t afford a photographer. If you have a cell phone that takes photos, that does the trick just fine. But please, I beg of you, take the photos. Capture every single moment in time, because someday, when our babies are all grown up, those photos will be the only traces we have that can bring us back to these moments in time.

These minutes, hours and days will be some of our all time favorites! Soak them up, live in each of these moments, and capture every single second that you possibly can!

Kennedy, sweet girl, I wish you the absolute happiest of birthdays! Congrats on your graduation into ‘the toddler years!’ 

andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide