
Aria | 18-months-old

Each and every time we get together, I’m absolutely blown away by how much this sweet girl has learned! She is saying so many words and running around like crazy! She’s laughing and observing and simply exploring this beautiful world as much as she possibly can.

All the books out there on parenting are great. They teach you the basics — how to get your baby to sleep, how to feed them the right foods, how to chase them down for diaper changes when they learn how to run away from you. What they don’t teach you about is how fast your baby will grow, and how to handle that growth. When our babies are born and we hold them close in our arms, we automatically look toward the future. What will their first words be? When will they take their first steps?! And then, somehow our lives go into fast-forward mode and here we are, looking at our 18-month-old, wondering where in the world all that time went. How did our teeny-tiny baby turn into the big girl she is now?!

Aria, your personality is perfect! You are such a sweet, gentle soul with lots of energy and ambition. Your mommy and daddy are so proud of you! Keep exploring and reading and smiling…..I’m excited to watch you embrace all the adventures ahead!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide