
Dayton | 1-year-old

As we were driving up to the farm, anxious to take Dayton’s 1-year-photos, his daddy spotted her.

He said something along the lines of someone freshening — or we have a fresh one — I don’t know, it was farmer talk. I had no clue what he was talking about.

As we pulled into the drive and I saw the baby calf, I finally understood what he meant. One of the cows had her calf just an hour or so earlier. This 1-year-old session was about to get even better than we expected. And sure enough, as you’ll see in the photos below, it did!

Dayton — it has been an incredible year watching your mama learn how to be the best mama she can possibly be! Holding you and feeding you and guiding you into the toddler you are today has brought her both tears of frustration and exhaustion — and at the same time so much joy and love that her heart feels so incredibly full! You continue to grow into the boy she always dreamed she’d be lucky enough to raise — and that makes her so unbelievably proud to be your mama.

Dayton — it has been an incredible year watching how excited your daddy is to watch you grow! Being on the farm is tough work, and it doesn’t allow for all the cuddle time I’m sure he’d like to get in. But, he sure does enjoy those lunchtime playdates on the floor, getting you to giggle and play and laugh! Now that you’re officially a toddler, your daddy is sooo excited to have your help on the farm. I know he’s been looking forward to the day you sit next to him in the cab of his tractor asking him all the “why” questions you can possibly think of!

Dayton — these pictures prove you have a calf all your own now. That means more responsibility. Your toddler years will be filled with more responsibilities than any city boy would ever have — but that means you also get to enjoy all that country fun…running wild and free — the way country boys were made to run;)

Happy 1st Birthday, Dayton! You are so very loved!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide