
Gerrits Family | 2019

Becoming a parent is pretty great, but according to the grandparents I’ve spoken with and met throughout the years, they’d argue that becoming grandparents is even better!

Oftentimes they kid and joke and say it’s the best because you can give the kiddos back to their parents, but if you look at their smiles and pride and happiness when they’re playing with their grandkids — it’s easy to see that their little loves bring them more joy than anything on earth!

Ellen is definitely one of those grandmas filled with pride and joy. Not only does she have these three amazing little kiddos to hold and love — but she also gets to see what a great mama her daughter has become. As parents, we always try to do our best to raise the best kiddos we possibly can. Unfortunately all the decisions we make for their wellbeing are simply guesses! We won’t truly know the outcome of the way we choose to raise our kids until they become adults and parents of their own children.

That’s the best part of being a grandma — you get to see the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes and book reading and all the hard work you put into raising your kids, come to life as you watch them raise their own!

These kiddos are incredibly lucky — you’ll see in these photos they are loved very, very much!!!



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