
Brylee | 13-days-old

Ever wonder what becoming a parent for the second time feels like?

Well, it’s hard. It’s harder than becoming a parent for the first time. Why? Because now you have two little pieces of your heart running around outside of your body. Both need your continuous attention and love and cuddles. They both need to know you’re there for them at the exact moments in time that they need you.

It’s stressful. The balancing act is a hard one. Your first baby is confused because he has always had all your attention, and your second is so little that she needs you every minute she’s awake. Between the diaper changes and feedings and spit-up clean-ups, you’re spread thinner than you ever imagined.

It’s tiresome. You had completely forgotten what it felt like to go days without so much as an hour or two of continuous sleep. You’re so exausted you’ve lost your phone in the freezer, your keys were inside the dryer and the energy it would take to shower has left you spelling stinkier than an avid hiker who hasn’t had access to fresh water in 5-days.


BUT the love in your heart, the happiness that surrounds you, trumps all those challenges. The only thing you care about in the entire world is the fact that you now have two littles to shower with love. And, bonus — they now have each other.

The hard, stressful, tiresome stuff….all that is easy to forget. The hours will turn into days, the days into weeks, the weeks into years. Someday, when you look back at the photographs below, you’ll remember how incredible this moment of your life was. Bringing a baby into this world for your sweet boy to love and cherish and protect all the days of his life — now that’s miraculous!

Congratulations to the Gardebrecht crew and welcome to the world, Brylee. You are so very loved!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide