
Beckam | 4-months-old

As I was sitting on a stool in the Smith kitchen, waiting for baby Beckam’s mama to put him down for his nap, she called me in. As I walked into his perfectly decorated room and looked over at Katie rocking her sweet boy to sleep, she wispered, “this…this is what I love the most.”

I started taking photographs to document this sweet moment, and as I snapped away, I watched as one tear after another started rolling down her cheeks. I could feel for her. I remember being in her shoes, crying every time I had to leave my baby.

These are the moments we wish would never end – the moments of silence, just holding our babies and loving on them with every ounce of love in our hearts. As we rock them to sleep our minds wander.

How much longer will he let me hold him like this? How much longer do I have with him at this stage? Why does this time seem to go so fast? How can I slow down time? How can I find a way to spend more time with him?

The questions are endless. Each and every second we have with them is priceless. Until you become a mom, you don’t truly know what you’re in for….you have all these hopes and dreams and desires, and then this tiny human comes into your world and all of a sudden nothing else matters. They become your entire world.

To the mamas who are struggling to figure out how to be home with your babies. To the mamas who have to leave early every morning and get home late in the evenings, when you’d love to be home with your babies all the time — know that I’ve been there. I feel for you. And I promise, that when the time is right, you too will find a way to make being home with your babies possible. Until that time arrives, I will pray you get as many cuddles and hugs and rocking chair time as your heart desires.

Hold on tight to your babies, they grow entirely too quickly. Happy 4-months, sweet Beckam! It makes my heart beam with joy to see how much your mommy and daddy love you!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide