
Benny | 1-year-old

This guy was such a smiley little man for his 1-year photo session! In the blink of an eye, 365 days have come and gone.

When we first have our babies, we can’t wait for those first few months to pass by so we can get constant smiles out of our babes! And then we hope for them to sit up on their own, and eat solid foods, and start crawling….and before we know it — an entire year has passed by. The baby milestones are over, and the toddler years begin.

As parents, there are moments we’ll miss like crazy, and new adventures to come that will fuel our souls. Each and every milestone proving to be exciting and bittersweet at the same time. The years go by so fast….but the days and hours seem to be slower. Take a moment to soak up as much of it as you possibly can!

Benny – Happy 1st Birthday!!! You’ve been an incredible gift of love and joy for your family – continue to make them proud learning more and more, each and every day!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide