
Bryce: making history with his cake-eating skills

I have never witnessed a more epic 1-year cake-eating session in my life! Bryce was so excited about his blue frosting and cake that his mom had to hold him back as she put his #1 candle in it and moved it in front of him for the photo-op!

It was amazing.

He started with the candle – ensuring every ounce of frosting was eaten. Then he moved on to the cake. First he started with one hand, then dug in with both hands – and eventually even his toes got in on the fun!

The last time this sweet boy was in the studio he came with his sisters – they were so much fun and helpful that I’m sure they prepped him for the cake portion of his shoot in-advance! Unfortunately they had to stay home with daddy for a little relaxation time, so mommy and Bryce held down the fort at the studio.

Nickole – thanks so much for bringing Bryce over for his 1-year photo shoot! It was so nice to see how much he’s grown – can’t wait ‘til next time!



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