
Diem Family | 2019

This family means the absolute world to me.

I remember when I was a little girl. My little sister and I would jump up onto the kitchen stools for breakfast, and Wendy would serve us her cinnamon pancakes….her very own recipe.

Megan and I would indulge. Breakfast was my favorite because it was when Wendy would spill the beans to us…letting us know what her special plans for the day were. Even before she could drive she was taking us on bike rides or fun picnic dates at the sandpit. Once she got her license, she and her best friend Tara would take us on our favorite adventure — cruising around Legend lake on the pedal boat.

And now, even though 20+ years have passed since those pancake breakfasts and daily adventures, Wendy still includes me with her kiddos. I get to climb up on the stools at her house sitting next to her kiddos or holding one on my lap while I indulge in whatever goodness she has whipped up to fill my belly with!

Wendy was made for this mom-gig. These four kiddos are incredibly lucky to have her — and I’m incredibly lucky to have her.

Wendy, thanks for being the best big sister I could’ve ever imagined. You are an amazing mom, an amazing friend, an amazing example to lead my life after!

And Jason, this wouldn’t be possible without you;) Thanks for being the best big brother-in-law on the planet. You’ve been there whenever I’ve needed you, and I appreciate that more than words can share!

And to the Diem kiddos — you all light up my world! Thanks for always giving me hugs, for always showing me your latest projects and creations, for always singing to me in your best singing voices for my birthday, for always being the most amazing kiddos on the planet! I love you all so very much!!!


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Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

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