
Gerney William | 8-days-old

Choosing a name for your baby is one of the most important jobs you can do as a parent. Their name is what they’ll be known as – their personality, their dreams and desires…every ounce of them will be attached to that name. Their name will become their legacy.

This baby’s name, Gerney (pronounced Journey), was chosen very carefully by his parents. Gerney is combination of two amazing grandpas. The “ger” comes from the last three letters of grandpa Roger’s name, and the “ney” comes from the last three letters of grandpa Rodney’s name. It doesn’t stop there. William comes from his great grandpa Roger William, a man Gerney will never get to meet, but one who will surely be watching over him from Heaven! Gerney William’s parents have set him up for success from the start. With a name modeled after three amazing influences, this little guy is destined for greatness!

Sam and Keena – I only got to spend a short amount of time with you both, but you amazed me none-the-less! The love and adoration you have for your sweet baby boy was truly inspirational. You’re already great parents! Congrats and hold on tight…adventures with baby boys are wild and exciting and truly the best!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide