
Grey: 1-year-old

This little guy was living the life of a king on his first birthday! His party was decorated perfectly, he had personalized drink-ware, an adorable outfit and the best family/friends a little guy could ever ask for. Bonus: he even had his very own crown – fit for a king!

I was in absolute heaven. There were so many photo ops! I was able to start snapping photos the moment I walked in the door, and didn’t run out of inspiration the entire time I was there. It was so much fun snapping away that I spent more than a day going through all the images…picking favorites was quite the challenge!

To the moms out there – don’t be intimidated by this decor…Rachal’s a rockstar:)

To all of Grey’s family/friends – thanks for being so warm and welcoming, and for letting me join you all in the fun! I couldn’t have asked for a better day!

Happy 1st Birthday, Grey!

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andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide