
Claire Mary | 10-days-old

For some of us, the journey to parenthood is unexpected. We don’t even think about becoming pregnant and boom, before we know it, there’s a baby in our arms.

For others, the journey is a longer one. Plans get changed and reworked and changed again. Prayers get stronger. Hope gets stronger, then fades, then returns. Time slows down, yet gets faster at the same time. Changes happen, but not the way they were “supposed to” happen. And then, when the hope seems to be at its lowest, the plus sign shows up…or the double lines….or the word “PREGNANT” appears right before our eyes. All of a sudden, the wait was worth it. The planning begins again, but this time, with more certainty.

Ten months pass. While they are passing, the time is slow again. We want our babies in our arms and we won’t be satisfied until s/he is rocking to sleep in our arms.

Isn’t that the best feeling in the world?! Rocking our babies to sleep in our arms is the absolute best!!! I mean…after you get over the sleepless nights and the endless diaper changes and the feedings that seem to happen non-stop (we tend to forget about all that stuff between our first and second babies, don’t we?!)

The Van Schyndel family prayed for this sweet girl. They couldn’t wait for their almost 4-year-old, Chloe, to receive that ‘big sister’ title. After seeing them together during this session, it’s easy to see why they were so excited to watch their baby girl turn into a big girl….she was definitely ready for this next adventure!

Sisters for life. There is no greater friendship than the one between sisters, and I am so excited that these two get to share that journey together!

Chloe and Claire – I can’t wait to watch your shenanigans via your mommy and daddy’s Facebook posts! Cheers to change, cheers to adventure, cheers to growing up…and old – together!

Congratulations, Van Schyndel family! I am so happy for the four of you!!!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide