
Paitl Family | 2019

This was by far the most adventurous family photo session I’ve ever had.

And here’s the kicker — the true action didn’t even start until after I was already in bed, catching up on my Facebook messages for the day.

Ashley messaged me to say they had to take Aubrey to the emergency room! Our grand adventure in the woods landed us all some nasty mosquito bites at the beginning of the session….and after the session it left us speed-walking/running out of the woods, unable to escape the swarming, biting bugs that were attacking us.

Little did we know at the time that the bites we were getting were, in fact, bees — and worse, none of us were aware that Aubrey is actually allergic to bees.

By the time the Paitl family got home, Aubrey was starting to lose her vision, giving both her parents quite the scare! A trip to the ER and a good nights sleep brought her back to normal, but now she’ll have to carry an EpiPen everywhere she goes, just-in-case she ever encounters swarming/stinging bees again!

Paitl Family — thanks so much for enduring such a traumatic evening — it sure was fun while the session lasted….and although incredibly scary for you all later that night, this story will make for quite the campfire entertainment for years to come!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide